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Private houses

"Professionals, clear, creative solutions for every challenge, every requirement was answered quickly and professionally. If I had to rate from 1 to 10, the score in all parameters would be 10. Following your advice, our savings in the project were hundreds of thousands of shekels"

Elad Biton, Director of Gedera Municipality Planning

One of the critical parts of the process of planning and building a private house is the correct characterization of the soil and the provision of instructions for the execution of the foundations of the building. Proper planning of the foundations prevents cracking of the structure on the one hand and reduces the construction cost on the other. The right soil engineering solution can save hundreds of thousands of shekels in its execution!

Work steps: 

  • Conducting a soil survey according to the type of soil expected in the lot

  • Trial drilling in soils or geological survey in rocky soil

  • Providing instructions for establishing the building in accordance with the architectural plan

  • Development of the plot and supervision during execution.

Selected projects - private houses


Etz Efraim house

A second opinion for the project of a house above about 10-14 m of uncontrolled fill, and a solution that financially enabled the execution of the project.


Residential complex in Arsuf

A luxury residential complex at the top of the coastal cliff in Arsuf

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Ramat Hasharon house

A second opinion for the project of a house on spillway land that resulted in savings of hundreds of thousands of shekels in the execution method.

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Kfar Shmaryahu house

Construction of a luxury villa that includes glass facades and varying levels in the area where there was an existing building.

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